Jump on a bus or wrangle up some parents so you can bring your class out to the farm and pick some pumpkins!
Enjoy a covered hayride to the pumpkin patch where each student can choose their own perfect orange pumpkin! Explore inside and outside the barns to visit over 200 diverse farm animals, the milking robot, and lose yourself in the beauty of the fall farm splendour!
Tips for Tours!
- BYO bags labelled with child’s name.
- Dress for the weather – boots if it is wet!
- Check with bus regulations re: Pumpkin Transportation
Preschool Rates
- $14 per student & siblings (2 years+) & includes 1 child sized orange pumpkin per paid child.
- $8 per adult
- Teaching staff Free
Grades K-3 School Rates
- $14 per student (& siblings 2 years+) includes 1 child sized pumpkin per student admission.
- 1 adult Free per 5 students
- Additional adults pay Regular Admission rates of $14 per adult.
- Teaching staff Free
Grades 4-12 School Rates
- $15 per student & includes 1 orange pumpkin per student admission.
- Teaching staff Free
October 1-31.
Due to our popular program and limited school days, bookings may be combined with another school group.
** Choose your preferred date.
Click here to request a tour.